Linux sur Treo 650
Toolinux – Linux sur un smartphone Treo 650
USB Web Server. – The Red Ferret Journal WebServUSB is a full featured web server programmed into flash memory a USB device. It features HTTP and FTP web services, plus a companion email server program which provides POP3 and SMTP mail services. By plugging WebServUSB into any PC with a USB port, it can enable…
DétailsThe NYT is reporting that Google will be blending Google Talk into Gmail tomorrow for a limited number of users. The new product will be called “Gmail Chatâ€. source : TechCrunch » Gmail Chat to Launch Tomorrow
DétailsWebsite Gtalkr is a Flash-based web app designed to bring your Google apps (Gmail and Google Talk) together with Flickr, YouTube, and newsfeeds for an all-in-one media and communications mega-package.source:Google and Flickr integration with Gtalkr – Lifehacker