I already speak about the marvelous
Lift conference since 2006
And i was so lucky to go in 2009 , 2013 in Geneva

Dr Vinton Cerf has worked for Google as its Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist since September 2005
They have also organise last year the okcon.org Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) in Geneva

With a very interesting Law Mining Hackathon some pictures 😉

Lift14 Program is now Complete 🙂
Final speakers who complete the Lift14 :
List of speakers who complete for Lift14
Arnaud Bertrand
Founder & CEO of HouseTrip, first-line fighter against the sharing economy backlash
Bracken Darrell
CEO and president reinventing Logitech
Joel Serra
Eatwith.com Country Manager for Spain.changing the way people travel and eat
Olivier Audemars
Member of the board of directors of @AudemarsPiguet ,
leading a global family business
Ramia El Agamy
Editor-in-Chief of Tharawat : @Tharawatmag
The first publication of family businesses in the Arab world
Sean D. Goff – 15-year old teenage hacker and maker
Meet all our speakers and also check out our workshop program.
Sean D. Goff
15-year old teenage hacker and maker
List of workshop
Interesting workshop i spotted :
Digital disruptions and controversies: What we’ll disagree about in the future
Wed, Feb. 05 2014 – 09:30The fantastic take-up of digital technologies is rife with controversies. Since digital technologies, their creators and (often) their users see themselves as the agents of major transformations, they are bound to (i) disrupt all kinds of other players, (ii) disagree and compete with one another as to what these transformations should be and who should lead them, and (iii) be pleasantly of unpleasantly surprised with what end-users do with what they came up with. So, if controversies are a productive way to move forward, could we anticipate on what the main digital controversies will be in the future? Can we foster disagreements in order to foster change?
Innovating services for the next wave of micro-businesses
Thu, Feb. 06 2014 – 09:00A new wave of micro-businesses is emerging. We are going through turbulent times in which interconnectivity and rising socioeconomic complexity make it increasingly difficult for large corporations to adapt and build long-term strategies. Meanwhile, individuals are leveraging networks, crowd-funding, and new platforms to create informal and micro-enterprises that better respond to, and thrive in, our unstable business environment. Microbusiness is not a niche, but often overlooked and definitely underserved. In most countries it represents over 70% of employment, and is the world’s fastest growing sector of the economy as new forms are emerging, like micro-manufacturers and parallel entrepreneurs.
In this workshop we will provide insights into this new wave of micro-businesses and their unmet needs. Then small groups will work together to create services that solve for their specific challenges in new ways. Together we will answer the question: How can we design better services that meet the real needs of today’s micro-business?
Prototyping the Self – A Lean Start-up Approach to Identity
Thu, Feb. 06 2014 – 09:00Leveraging ideas from performance studies, we want to take innovators on a journey inside their shadow selves to explore ideas of identity innovation. Tapping into a more elastic personal identity is key for those looking to transform their careers, behaviors and thought patterns. But hacking your identity and embracing personal pivots is challenging. Through interactive and playful exercises participants will learn to cultivate greater diversity within themselves and honor their alter egos. We’ll identify concrete roadblocks impeding us from becoming our more authentic selves and explore areas where we can gain access to different skills and competencies by tapping a different persona.
Educating innovators and Designing Futures
Thu, Feb. 06 2014 – 11:30It’s time to rethink our world and the bases of management theories and practices. In particular, it’s time to rethink how we educate innovators. Creative industries can be a source of innovative management practices because the dilemmas experienced by managers in cultural industries are also to be found in a growing number of other industries where knowledge and creativity are key to sustaining competitive advantage. Design Thinking is one way such change can happen. In its practice, design integrates culture and the arts and melt them in a global approach of project management. In this workshop, we will introduce IDEA, a new degree program based on design thinking jointly created by a business school and an engineering school that places design thinking at the heart of the curriculum and integrates the four pillars of innovation, design, entrepreneurship and arts. We will discuss how design thinking, taught as project management, is a natural way of integrating creative industries in the innovation process.
Innovating through asking reverse questions
Thu, Feb. 06 2014 – 11:30In this workshop participants will practice innovation driven by reverse questions. In reverse question innovation, the game consists in finding novel applications for existing technologies rather than developing new technologies to solve existing problems. Technologies and capabilities have an inherent (and unpredictable) creative potential that leads to the emergence of novel functions for which the forms were not originally designed for.
Participants will work in groups and asked to apply reverse-question innovation techniques to their own or freely selected products/technologies.
Privacy & Data Protection conversations : how might we reinstate trust in a global digital society?
Thu, Feb. 06 2014 – 11:30Privacy and Data Protection aren’t pure theoretical or cold legal concepts found in books and laws; they have become evolving shared issues and values. These issues have become multi-stakeholder wicked problems that must be addressed also outside specialist groups and closed doors. This will impact how we live, work, consume, socialize, and ultimately shape our future democracies.
In a post Snowden era where new regulations are discussed all over the world in a piecemeal way, we are facing a growing mistrust in intermediaries. This can be seen as an unprecedented breach of trust and has sparked legitimate questions about what to protect, how to protect, who overlooks, etc. We would like to invite you to take a moment to discuss with us what may be the key elements of the future of privacy and data protection.