En 7 points et en moins de 7 minutes, voici de quoi devrait être fait le web en 2009 :
- L’argent, le ROI
- Les réseaux sociaux,
- Les contenus (vidéo, web tv, 3D) avec des contenus de meilleure qualité,
- Le Mobile,
- Le e-commerce,
- 2008 en mieux, en beaucoup mieux,
- Je ne sais pas.
source :http://altaide.typepad.com/jacques_froissant_altade/2008/12/les-7-tendances.html
Auteur Arnaud VELTEN
https://fr.linkedin.com/in/businesscommandoProject : D0pp3lgäng3r ( a #CRYPTOPERFORMANCE ) DIGITAL SERAPHIN : #NEVERFAIL 忍び: Speak - DO + (Trendsetter) WarHead / Strategic Scout , Underground Fixer , VIP Social Advisor #Pirate / #Hacker #Intelligence Community Ambassador : YWH (1st Euro BUGBOUNTY) Paris ImpactIA Foundation Geneve Icon ( CybSec & IA) ONG By Mci Group ConnectAID (ONG Money BlockChain Transparency Startup) Annecy Sommet IE2S (Security & Surety HIEDN ) Chamonix International Speaker : TEDXGeneva , Psychologie UniGE , WineHat (Milan) , GrappaHat ( Aoste) , Ecole de Guerre Economique (Paris) Inventor : ISOMAP (2.5D Resume) EmergeMap (Innovative collective decision process) Lab0 (Unique places experimenting with new practices) Collectcion Bombe du Digital ( promotion of women's values in IT & management GodMother : Alysee SeedStar ) RetroMeetup (social retrogaming GodMother : Melody CamModel ) President : Digital Athanor (Promoting News Culture via New Media Since 1997) Editor in chief DA (MediaGroup) : Business Commando - As Map - Digital Commando Artist : - Painter : Exhibition (ART MONEY) : NYC / BERLIN - Photograph Live Commando : Security Event Expert - Video / Performer : BrainJacking42 Contributor ThinkService (Geneva University Think/Do Tank) SocialIN3 (1st Swiss Research Cooperative Corporate Company) SeedStar (Seedstars celebrates positive impact and the pioneers who create it) Members : Synfie (French Intelligence Syndicat), SwissIntell (Swiss Intelligence Network) Choisir Savoie , .../...